With the best consultants for peace of mind

HCi’s Ongoing Accreditation Assistance Program provides your organization with ongoing assessments, continuous preparation, industry updates and a long-term strategy for successful survey results.

How it works?

This is accomplished via both physical and virtual visits and sessions that follow-up on stated plans and training on changes or updates to standards, as well as guiding new employees to the quality department. Our solutions are tailored to your specific needs using the knowledge we have about your organization. The Ongoing Accreditation Assistance Program has a formal and permanent method of evaluation, information gathering, processing and analysis of results, which includes a risk approach, scheduled monthly consultations and assistance to Quality officers to keep the Quality Management System functioning as it should.

We also provide analysis tools and documentary resources for specific situations encountered in a clinical practice, namely: undesired patterns of performance, identification of root causes of problems and development of problem-solving methods; follow-up on the results of indicators that correspond to improvement opportunities, periodic follow-up on the implementation of improvement opportunities, including those related to third parties, our intervention generates feedback to the organization, to those involved in the improvement processes and to management bodies for analysis and decision-making, generating results that are input for the adjustment of the organizational process of continuous improvement.

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